The Light of Hope (1)

As she watched the joy fade from Perfected Xuanchen's face, Ye Qingtang said, "But no matter what, little You Yun can still create a batch of powerful cultivators for us…"

The mainland was currently divided into three main battlefields. They already lacked powerful cultivators, but now, the situation was worsened by the division. The Ancient You Clan was different. They had plenty of powerful cultivators, so they were not greatly affected by the division of the battlefield.

If little You Yun could create more powerful cultivators, they might have a chance…

"In that case, let us quickly ask the twelve peak masters and Daoist Zijin to receive spirit energy from little You Yun!" Perfected Xuanchen said. But another thought came to his mind, and he felt something was amiss. So, he changed the topic and spoke carefully.