Attack (1)

With a light chuckle, Gu Yu nodded and said, "Miss Ye is right. I do have some solutions in mind."

"Brother Gu Yu, what solutions do you have?"

The injured elderly asked hurriedly.

"Everyone, although Heaven City's steep terrains make it easy to defend and hard to attack, it will definitely be invaded in no time if we remain trapped. Everything is only a matter of time," Gu Yu said.

There was a flurry of discussions after Gu Yu spoke. Everyone was also aware of what Gu Yu said, but there were no good solutions.

"So, we have to attack Dragon Elephant City to solve the root problem… Dragon Elephant City is the main city of their team. If we can make an issue in Dragon Elephant City, the pressing emergency will automatically be resolved," Gu Yu said with a smile.