Misspoken Words (2)

Luo Qufeng smiled and was about to speak, but a rather cynical voice suddenly rang.

"It is indeed surprising that the Luo Family can invite the Holy Lord of Shadows. However, the Temple of Shadows and the Luo Residence are not far away from each other, and the Luo Family has always been extremely respectful towards the Temple of Shadows. It seems that the Luo Family probably yielded and pledged allegiance to the Temple of Shadows. Otherwise, why would the Holy Lord of Shadows grace us with her presence?" A middle-aged man chuckled and cast a look at Luo Qufeng.

There was no change in Luo Qufeng's expression while Luo Feng frowned slightly.

That person who spoke was the Manor Chief of Dong Yue Manor.

Dong Yue Manor initially had good relations with the Luo Family, but they completely fell out due to certain matters a thousand years ago, and there have been many disputes between them whether it be in public or in secret.