Ambush (2)

At this instant, there was no emotion on Ye Qingtang's face though she had already groaned numerous times on the inside.

She had felt that there was something strange when Ming Wang gave her the invitation. After all, given the Luo Family's influence, it was still insufficient for the Holy Lord of Shadows to personally attend a birthday celebration.

She originally thought that Ming Wang intended to use this trip to let the Undead Clan following her observe her actions.

But looking at the situation now…

That was not the case at all!

This little rascal must have bluffed her here because he knew the Luo Family's scheme from the start.

If she was truly the Holy Lord of Shadows, she would naturally be able to leave the Luo Residence safely given her skills. If she was fake, she would probably die without a doubt.

At this moment, Ye Qingtang gave her hats off to Ming Wang's method to tell the authenticity of her identity.