What Was Going On? (2)

In just a moment, a red gleam enveloped the two powerful figures, and they were ghastly pale after their cultivation bases were completely absorbed by Luo Qufeng.

"This is bad! Luo Qufeng must feel that he cannot defeat the Holy Lord of Shadows and wants to absorb other people's power to strengthen himself!"

Everyone's expression changed.

Luo Qufeng was like a hurricane that whirled into the crowd. In no time, he had absorbed the powers of dozens of powerful figures, and his originally-pale face slowly returned to its original complexion.

"Luo Qufeng! You are going too far!"

"Don't let him absorb our powers! Quickly spread out!"

"Leave quickly! Don't give him the chance to absorb even more power!"

After finding out Luo Qufeng's intentions, everyone hurriedly shouted and dispersed, not daring to continue the fight with the Luo Family.

Almost instinctively, everyone bolted towards Ye Qingtang's location.