Walking on Thin Ice (2)

Once Ye Qingtang returned to the Temple of Shadows, she headed back to her own living quarters.

The number of frights that she suffered from the two days of being in the Temple of Shadows was more than what she experienced in the past few years.

It felt like walking on thin ice, like her life was hanging on a bare thread.

After Ye Qingtang returned to her living quarters, the Hall Master who went to the Luo Residence with Ye Qingtang went to meet Ming Wang.

Ming Wang was discussing some matters with a few tribe leaders and immediately called the Hall Master in for a report after hearing that the Hall Master was back.

"Is the Holy Lord back?" Ming Wang asked in a low voice without looking up.

"Yes," replied the Hall Master.

Ming Wang looked up slightly and took a look at the Hall Master expressionlessly. "The Luo Residence must have been rather lively today."