Sacred Ground of Reflection (2)

The expressions of the ambassadors of the Sacred Ground of Reflection expression darkened.

Immediately, the ambassador who was standing at the front said, "Holy Lord of Shadows, the Sacred Ground of Reflection has never interfered with the Temple of Shadows's matters. Our forces are everywhere and very different. However, what you did in the Eternal Dynasty previously…"

Before that person finished speaking, Ye Qingtang said impatiently to Ming Wang, "I don't wish to repeat myself."

Almost instantly after Ye Qingtang said that, Ming Wang's eyes turned cold, and his figure turned into a ball of black shadows.

Before that ambassador realized what was happening, he felt a sharp pain in his knees suddenly, and he fell on his knees with a thud.

"If you have anything to say, speak on your knees," Ye Qingtang said.

"You…" That ambassador's expression froze. He wanted to stand up, but Ming Wang's hand was pressed on his shoulder.