Protecting One's Child (3)

The expression of everyone present flickered. Jiang Yiming and the others bowed their heads silently. They looked embarrassed and anxious.

Jiang Liu had not expected the truth to be like that.

Jiang Yiming and the others had really deliberately provoked Ye Qingtang and tried to make trouble for her.

But he had fully believed Jiang Yiming and repeatedly asked Ye Qingtang to apologize to him.

Even though he was biased, Jiang Liu could not help but feel embarrassed.

"Ah… Is this how the Jiang Family does things? My daughter has just returned to the Jiang Family, and you bully her like that." Mo Yi laughed in rage. A cold light shone in her eyes.

They could tell from the scenes conjured by the Memory Pearl that if Ye Qingtang had not been alert and resourceful, she would have been killed by their combined attack.