Ten Thousand Years (2)

"Little girl, don't lie to us. You're merely at Arcane Supremacy Eighth Heaven. You dare to enter this place, so why wouldn't other people?" Xiong Yan scoffed.

"If I wasn't being hunted down by people and had no other choice but to escape into this place, I would never step in here," Ye Qingtang said.

Everyone noticed that Ye Qingtang was covered in blood, and she did look like she was just in a fierce battle.

After thinking about how not a single soul appeared here throughout the past ten thousand years, the masses had their suspicions.

"We have been trapped here for a long time. If you can help us to break that boundary stone, we will definitely remember your favor," Fu Xu said with a smile.

It should be known that all of them were once extremely influential rulers, and countless people wanted to enter their forces. How precious would it be if one could gain a favor from these powerful figures?