Who Says I'm Not A Baby (1)

Jiang Yu, who had already drunk the holy water, glanced at Emperor Yan as if looking at a fool. "The holy water only removes the curse on our bodies. If you want to be fully restored, you still have to leave this accursed place. As for your body and powers being restored… Haha… you'll have to wait a long while."

The hopeful Emperor Yan looked utterly crushed when he heard Jiang Yu's words. He collapsed and sat on the ground.

Everyone had heard the legend of the Age Reversal Curse, but few had ever angered a deity enough to suffer this curse. After the curse was lifted, they could continue to grow gradually over time, but as for whether they could recover the powers that had been worn away by the Age Reversal Curse…

No one could say for sure.

Emperor Yan wilted like a frost-stricken vegetable.