The Situation Changes (2)

"We are mostly prepared. The Elder Cabinet has nurtured many of the younger generation. Whenever the Domain Monarch Founder is free, he can take a look," the Inner Sect Elder said slowly.

The Domain Monarch Founder had taught the disciples in the Elder Cabinet in the past. The current Domain Monarch was a disciple taught by the Domain Monarch Founder and the Elder Cabinet.

Jiang Xun nodded slightly.

The Inner Sect Elder then said, "Since the Domain Monarch Founder has returned, there is a matter that I have been discussing with the Domain Monarch."

"What is it?" Jiang Yu asked.

"We are considering whether to allow Ye Qingtang to enter the Elder Cabinet," the Inner Sect Elder said.

"Her?" Surprise flashed across Jiang Yu's eyes. Although he favored Ye Qingtang, who had saved him, she did not meet the entry requirements for the Elder Cabinet.