Taiyuan Valley (1)

Although Ye Qingtang did not know who was fighting at the stream, she knew they must be the supremely talented members of the Jiang Family who were being trained by the Elder Cabinet. She could gauge their talent from the power displayed in the dragon aura.

Jiang Qi was used to all this. He just glanced at it and then continued leading Ye Qingtang towards her living quarters.

Only the Jiang Family lived in Taiyuan Valley. Besides the Inner Sect Elders of the Elder Cabinet, the rest were the top talents of the Jiang Family.

Youths like Jiang Qi and the others were brought to Taiyuan Valley when they were very young. They were separated from their parents and received the best training from the Jiang Family. They were carefully nurtured from the time of their birth and seldom left the valley.

Perhaps no one in Central Mainland knew about them, but when they left the valley and displayed their skills, they would amaze everyone.