Cultivation (5)

The Jiang Family had countless extraordinary talents, but those who could stand at the tip of the pyramid could be counted.

Jiang Shaobai and Jiang Yanyun were one of those few people. Furthermore, Jiang Yanyun was currently the most formidable junior in Taiyuan Valley; some elders even may not win against him in a spar.

Ever since Jiang Shaobai and Jiang Yanyun met, they were on unfriendly terms, and the youths on both sides had been fighting both openly and covertly for a long time. The Martial Arts Championship spot was one of the targets of their competition.

Although the number of spots available for the Martial Arts Championship was still unknown, tension had already begun filling the air.

On the other side, Ye Qingtang headed to the Jiang Family's sacred ground. It was the deepest corner of Taiyuan Valley where a mountain range split the boundless valley into five canyons.