White Magician (4)

The Vatican palace was situated in the corner of a town.

Ye Qingtang learned from the Bishop of York that the town that she was in now was a small town of the Supreme League Kingdom, and most of the fit young men were sent to the frontline by the Supreme League Kingdom.

Previously, those muscular men she met in the bar were also going to head to the frontline a few days later.

Gradually, Ye Qingtang learned more clues about this world from their conversation.

From the source of magic to the epoch of magic, the disaster and the war between the black witches and white magicians… as well as the war that was happening on this mainland right now.

This war involved every country on this mainland regardless of their size, and no one was fortunate enough to escape it. As the kingdom that first incited the war, the Supreme League Kingdom arose the dissatisfaction of other countries, and thus the war expanded to an unimaginable scale.