Brutal Little Fellow (1)

"Who… is that?" General Mark widened his eyes in shock. That girl isn't wielding any weapon, yet she can slaughter strong soldiers so easily?

Her simple and light movements made it seem as effortless as plucking a flower.

"Let's not care who she is first. Brothers, let's kill! Let's kill this group of bastards when they're in chaos!" As though he was inspired by the girl's aggressive murderous intent, General Mark shouted loudly and led his remaining guards to counter-attack fiercely.

The allied forces, which originally held an absolute advantage, seemed to be in hell right now. They launched the first wave of attack with five times the amount of soldiers and originally thought they could easily eliminate the guards in this city. Yet, just as they were going to drive the guards to death, a devil-like girl suddenly appeared on their battlefield, and her fair hand was like the scythe of the god of death, reaping all their souls…