Don't Move If You're Scared (2)

"What the hell is the Supreme League Kingdom doing? Sending this little devil out to die?"

"Could they be surrendering?"

The allied forces roared with laughter. They found the scene before them hilarious.

The knights of the Glorious Lions swept a patronizing look at Ye Qingtang. They crossed their arms and said to the troop next to them, "Don't waste time. Kill her."

No matter what the Supreme League Kingdom had up its sleeve, they had no time to waste on this girl. Their goal was to capture the Supreme League Kingdom's fortress.

With that, a hundred allied soldiers rode out, yelling as they charged at Ye Qingtang.

They carried long spears and spurred their horses as they galloped forward swiftly.

Ye Qingtang's face remained expressionless when she saw the approaching cavalry. She dismounted to meet the allied forces that were galloping towards her.