A Little Nervous (2)

"Oh wow, you're so fierce. I only meant well." Jiang Yiran pursed his lips in the direction of Elder Qian and the others. "Right now, the Qiu Family elder is waiting for a good show. If the girl loses terribly, she will find it hard to give an account when she returns. It might be better for her to leave the arena early."

Jiang Yisheng glanced over and sure enough, he saw the smiling Elder Qiu and the Jiang family elders, who were all looking worried. He could not help but panic inwardly. On the other hand, Jiang Shaobai was completely composed. She looked at Ye Qingtang with shining eyes.

Opposite Ye Qingtang stood a slender, but rather ugly youth. "Lin Weiyuan of the Ancient Lin Lan Clan." The youth cupped his fists and introduced himself.

In response, Ye Qingtang raised her hands and said, "Ye Qingtang from the Jiang family."

"Ye…" Lin Weiyuan was startled. He wondered why Ye Qingtang had a different surname, but did not pay much attention to it.