A Bet (2)

"Who has the time to scold you? I'm scolding the lunatic. Does Miss Mu think she is the lunatic?" Jiang Yiran raised his brow fearlessly.

Mu Ruxue quivered with rage at his insolence.

Jiang Yiran felt even better when he saw Mu Ruxue's livid expression. He spoke again, "Everyone can vote as they please in the beauty rankings. I think our family's Qingtang is gorgeous. What business is it of yours if I vote for her? Do you have a problem if I think she's the prettiest?"

Do you think you're very beautiful?

Let's see if you're prettier than the little girl.

Ye Qingtang, who had been targeted out of the blue, "…"

She had made a mistake. She should have kicked Jiang Yiran down the stairs long ago. Then he would not be here, making enemies for her like a crazy person.