Bearing The Consequences (2)

Mu Ruxue had waited for this day long enough. Baili Xuanyun and the Mu family had pulled many strings to get the youths from the other ancient clans whom they knew to vote for Mu Ruxue. Today, they had finally forced Ye Qingtang off the top spot in the rankings.

Although she now topped the ranking, the loathing in Mu Ruxue's heart deepened further.

This position should have been hers by right, but now she was forced to use her connections before she could even have a tenuous hold on her position. This was an insult to her beauty!

It was all Ye Qingtang's fault. If not for her… All this would not have happened.

"What a rotten smell." Jiang Shaobai had yet to speak so far, but now he suddenly spoke up. He frowned slightly and covered his nose as he leaned against Ye Qingtang.

"What?" Ye Qingtang was startled.