Frozen Ice Fields (2)

Sang Feiyu was clearly in extreme agony but her lips continued to hum that disturbingly relaxed tune…

Splattered across those icy vines were streaks of frozen blood.

Beautiful and gruesome.

"Crack crack…" Sang Feiyu's jaws strained as they were forced apart, emitting the sounds of bones breaking. Bloodied tears trickled down from her eyes, halted by the extreme chill before they could even fall from her chin.

Ye Qingtang quietly clenched her fists. Although she didn't have much interaction with Sang Feiyu, she could not bear this morbid scene before her.

"You are unable to save her," Little White Tiger reminded in a low growl, as it observed her tightly pursed lips.

"I know." Ye Qingtang lowered her voice. Sang Feiyu was more powerful than her and even she could not escape those icy vines…

"Let's hurry, we have to keep going. Who knows how many monsters are in this place," Little White Tiger said.