Little Heavenly Demon (1)

She instinctively turned back to look.

A pitch-black little thing was a few meters behind her. It was standing upon the snowy grounds and exuding a demonic aura that was intensely suffocating. That aura radiated in all directions continuously, completely suppressing the pack of giant ice wolves.

Little White Tiger turned to take a look and that one glance scared it so much that its eyeballs bulged out in an almost comical manner.

A little thing surrounded by black demonic aura such that no one could see what it looked like. The only feature that could be seen through that aura was a pair of devilish eyes.

"Damn… is that a… Heavenly Demon?"

Little white tiger widened its eyes in disbelief.

"Heavenly Demon?" Ye Qingtang was stunned.