Blood Battle (1)

The chasm grew wider bit by bit right before the eyes of the fiendish demons. It was pitch black inside the chasm, from which a bone-chilling wind blew out.

The eyes of the Great Generals from the big three tribes instantly lit up.

The sealed space was finally opening. Their highly-coveted Deity Ocean was right inside!

At this point, the three elite tribes were not the only ones who were excited. The ambitions of all the other camps were also ignited.

"The sealed space is opening now. The Deity Ocean is right inside!" Someone suddenly shouted out. The originally quiet demon crowd suddenly charged toward the opening of the sealed space.

But before they could get anywhere near it, the fiendish demons of the three major tribes had already made their move.

"It looks like we are not the only ones who are interested in the Deity Ocean." The Great General of the Earth Demon Tribe narrowed his eyes with a smirk.