Deity Ocean (3)

The blue light formed a protective screen around him and the attack from the two Great Generals did absolutely no damage to it.

All the attacks were absorbed by the blue screen.

"Haha… the Deity Ocean is really amazing. Don't worry, once I've absorbed all the power, I'll send you to hell immediately!" The Heavenly Demon Tribe Great General looked at the screen surrounding him as his eagerness in obtaining the Deity Ocean rose.

Just the light from the Deity Ocean was already giving him so much power. Once he absorbed all of its power, he would be their absolute king

The expressions of the Great Generals of the Earth Demon Tribe and the Earth Demon Tribe were extremely dark. Under the protection of the Deity Ocean, they couldn't do anything to the Heavenly Demon Tribe Great General!

On the mountain peak, the demons from the Heavenly Demon Tribe all roared as they saw that their Great General was about to merge with the Deity Ocean.