Betrayal (3)

As the battle raged on, the woman suddenly appeared. She counterattacked and forced those primordial humans to back off, before carrying the injured Shining God with her as she escaped.

This time, Ye Qingtang wasn't pulled along with the woman. She remained standing in the temple, watching the primordial humans massacre the temple guards. She watched as those tall, strapping Heavenly Demons flew into the temple and exchanged looks with those humans. They seemed to be looking for something. Something that could help them escape the mystic realm.

But they couldn't find anything even after searching for a long time.

They pursued after the woman and the Shining God. The thing they were seeking must be in their hands.

Ye Qingtang was led along with them.

The dizzying transition forced Ye Qingtang to spend some time recovering to get her bearings again.