Fire Demon (2)

As they made their way through, Ye Qingtang tried her best to remember all that she saw in the illusion.

She had seen the death of the Cursed True God in the illusion. If she was right, that place should be the Cemetery of the True Gods. So it was likely that the body of the Cursed True God should be there. As long as she followed the route she saw in the illusion, she should be able to find it.

The key not only protected her from the flames and lava, it also relieved Ye Qingtang from the scorching heat. In comparison to before, her journey was much more comfortable now.

But after traveling for half a day, Ye Qingtang suddenly noticed something strange about the flames raging above the ground.

The blazing fires were suddenly swaying intensely, as if strong winds were rushing through and sucking in the flames and lava into numerous spiralling fire dragons.

"What's going on?" Little White Tiger watched the strange scene with incredulous eyes.