Fu Qiu (2)

So it was thanks to that person's intelligence that the Crystal Palace was built and existed until now.

Luckily, Ye Qingtang and the others weren't forced to experience danger from the very first day they arrived in this mystic realm.

Aa Ye Qingtang spoke to Jiang Shaobai, Jiang Shaobai was already feeling a little sleepy. He wanted to stay over but Ye Qingtang chased him out without any hesitation.

On the other hand, Ye Qingtang wasn't sleepy at all. They had arrived for one day but she hadn't felt any danger yet. But since the fat catfishes were all extremely afraid of the day, she couldn't help but feel curious.

Even Little White Tiger was already asleep but Ye Qingtang was still wide awake. She went up the stairs, standing on top of the Crystal Palace.

From her vantage point, she could see the gradually rising sun. The fat catfishes quickly gathered and went underground after having a whole night's worth of fun.