Demonic (3)

Fu Qiu wanted to see her again.

All of these years, that was its greatest wish.

Ye Qingtang shook her head. "I don't know."

Fu Qiu froze as Ye Qingtang continued. "She left soon after my birth and this jade pendant is the only clue she left for me. I entered this mystic realm because I knew that she had been here… I didn't mean to hide it. I want to know where she has gone as well."

In both her previous life and this one, Ye Qingtang had not managed to see her mother. She really wanted to know what danger her mother had been facing to the point that she had left her newborn so soon after giving birth to her…

Was her mother… still alive?

Fu Qiu's expression was complicated as it returned the jade pendant to Ye Qingtang.

"You're in the wrong place," it said.

"Your mother has indeed been to this mystic realm but she didn't have you yet. Her appearance was sudden and her departure was equally hurried."