Ten Thousand Poison Valley (2)

Just as Qingtang was about to return to her room to think about the day's events, she noticed that Baili Xi and the rest were all standing outside her room waiting for her.

"Qingtang." They stepped forwards and greeted her. The animosity they had previously was gone after spending time with her and the way they addressed her had changed as well.

Seeing that they seemed to have something they wanted to say to her, she opened her room door to let them in.

Once they were inside, Baili Xi and the rest spoke up.

"The people who arrived today are no weaklings. Their heavy injuries don't seem to be from the monsters and I'm afraid there are other powerful men in this mystic realm." Baili Xi frowned as he said this. Since they were not in the same line of work, he didn't know Long Yao that well.