Enemy Attack (1)

Just as Ye Qingtang was mulling over this, Xue Fu hurried into the grand hall. He looked very grim.

"Holy Lord, Holy Son, someone is causing trouble outside."

"Who?" Ye Qingtang asked.

Xue Fu shook his head. "I don't know. He is demanding to see the Holy Lord."

Before Ye Qingtang could reply, Ming Wang's face instantly became very stern.

"Xue Fu, you have become increasingly negligent and careless."

Xue Fu was momentarily startled before immediately getting down on one knee.

Ming Wang said coldly, "What kind of place is the Temple of Shadows? Who is this person who can demand to see the Holy Lord as and when he pleases?"

Xue Fu's face turned pale as he tried to defend himself… "This person is… very powerful. I couldn't stop him. I am the useless one. Holy Lord, please see fit to punish me!"