The Mastermind Behind It All (2)

No one recognized the symbol.

Yet another lead had come to a dead end.

Ye Qingtang gave an inward sigh. Just as she was about to order her men to look over the bodies again, one of the ancient clan elders suddenly spoke up.

"Holy Lord, this symbol looks very strange."

Ye Qingtang was taken aback.


The elder didn't know how to explain it. Instead, he copied the symbol on a piece of paper, before adding a few strokes to the drawing. As the elder added more strokes, the faces of the crowd changed.

"This… isn't this the family crest of the Ancient You Clan?!" One of the clan leaders widened his eyes in astonishment after the elder finished his drawing.

"That's right. I initially found the symbol rather familiar, but couldn't understand why. But then I suddenly realized that this symbol is quite similar to the family crest of the Ancient You Clan," the elder explained.