Guests From All Places (3)

The people there all started panicking as they saw their only hope, the Holy Lord of Shadows, walking away.

Xue Fu spoke up. "The Holy Lord of Shadows has decreed that since the Central Mainland is currently in a dire state, she will offer a helping hand and allow all of you to stay in the Temple of Shadows for now."

Visible relief filled them.

They could finally set down a huge stone within their hearts.

But before even waiting for joy to fill their faces Xue Fu spoke again. "Where is the Sacred Martial Academy?"

Everyone froze as they heard this.

Moments later, the President of the Sacred Martial Academy walked forward uneasily with a few people by his side.

"Greetings, Guardian. I am the President of the Sacred Martial Academy. What orders do you have for me?"

Xue Fu glanced at the terrified President and ignored him. He then lifted his chin at an Undead Clan guard by his side.