Spiritual Abode (2)

"That… that's…" Elder Mo was acting strange and his eyes were darting around.

Ye Qingtang's eyes narrowed and she gave Ming Di a look. He raised one claw and pierced it through Elder Mo's shoulder.

Elder Mo screamed terribly as he turned pale and started trembling from the pain.

"The next thing I pierce through is going to be your heart if you don't reply," Ye Qingtang said.

Elder Mo panted and he didn't dare keep anything from them.

"That… that's… the Spiritual… Spiritual Abode…"

Ye Qingtang frowned as she heard those two words.

"What do you mean?" she forced herself to stay calm as she asked him.

Terrified of being killed by Ming Di, Elder Mo spilled everything. "A while ago, we brought back a girl from the First Mainland. She had a Spiritual Abode and my Clan Master knew that that would help to raise our power, so he let her cultivate her Spiritual Abode for us to absorb…"