Underground World (1)

The Ancient You Clan had kept their powers in the west region well-hidden. Ye Qingtang and You Qiong took a few days before they finally found the spot that was marked on the map.

When they finally reached the exact location, all they saw was a stretch of mountains. There wasn't anyone from the Ancient You Clan at all.

"Is the map fake?" Ye Qingtang looked at the stretch of mountains and her brows furrowed.

"No." Ning Luo suddenly spoke.

Ye Qingtang looked towards him and he just closed his eyes, seemingly feeling something.

"I can sense that… Master is here."

Ning Luo opened his eyes. It has been a long since he last felt this way. The breath was weak, but he was certain that Little You Yun was somewhere around the area.

He couldn't confirm where she was since the breath was too weak.

Ning Luo's words made Ye Qingtang's heart flutter.

On the other hand, You Qiong's gaze shifted around. A thought suddenly struck him.