Frightening Might (1)

The red light seared into their eyes, making it difficult for them to see. A wave of dizziness hit Ye Qingtang. Fortunately, Ning Luo was doing much better and he dragged the pale her into the shade.

Ye Qingtang grabbed her swollen head in pain. It felt as though something was sapping away all of her strength.

Through the haze of her mind, she saw the doors of the huge pagodas all burst open suddenly as the youths who had entered before this all started walking out. Their numbers were far beyond what Ye Qingtang had seen previously.

Hundreds to thousands of youths walked out of each pagoda.

Bathed in the red light, the youths lifted their heads as their silver eyes fixated on the top of the pagodas. She didn't see the rest as the strong feeling of dizziness sent her into a stupor as darkness claimed her.