Congratulations (3)

Ye Qingtang had seen with her own eyes people from the Temple of Paragon decorating the place as well. She had also seen from the water mirror many Clans coming to participate.

A sudden sense of foreboding struck her.

Could it be what she was thinking?

Elder Hua didn't seem to have any intention of saying anything further. The image in the water mirror suddenly changed to focus on the inside of the Sky Temple.

There were already many powers gathered in the huge temple, and she spotted someone familiar in the sea of faces.

There were a few men dressed in red robes with the wind totem embroidered on their sleeves.

"The Wind Sect?" She narrowed her eyes as she looked at them.

She remembered that in her first life, Ye You had worshiped the Wind Sect and had become a strong empress under their guidance.