Even A Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day (1)

A look of surprise flashed across the eyes of the Sea King when he saw Ye Qingtang lift the white tiger chess piece. Before he had much chance to ponder, Ye Qingtang had already made her move…

A golden light shot out from the white tiger chess piece on the chessboard. Lit by golden light, the fog in the inside of the temple instantly dispelled.

The roars of a tiger echoed as if a tiger was descending from the mountains. The roars were so formidable that they shook the mountains and rivers!

A massive white tiger shape draped in tens of thousands of golden rays appeared in the Sky Temple. It pounced out from behind Ye Qingtang toward the Sea King.

The Sea King stared at the massive white tiger shape with narrowed eyes.

After the light faded a little, he finally managed to get a clear view of the situation on the chessboard. The Sea King's arrogant expression turned into shock at what he saw.