Netherworld Academy (5)

After all, only by passing this admission test would they be able to officially become students of the Netherworld Academy.

Ye Qingtang and Di Nuo arrived at another entrance at the academy. It was empty, unlike the previous teeming crowds.

"You need to come here if you wish to apply to be a teacher," Di Nuo said in a solemn voice.

"Do you know why there is no one around?"

Ye Qingtang shook her head.

"Because the Netherworld Academy will only accept those who are powerful enough to be teachers. Those who are not powerful enough have no right and no confidence of stepping onto our grounds." Di Nuo's tone was mild, with a sliver of arrogance.

Of course, Ye Qingtang heard the underlying sarcasm in Di Nuo's words, mocking her lack of self-awareness. But she did not care about that. All was fine as long as she could enter the Netherworld Academy to get the Wind-Calming Pearl.