He Must Have Taken Drugs (1)

After Mu Ziying pulled off her coat, some of the more nasty onlookers made some catcalls. Closing her eyes tightly, Mu Ziying tried to stop her shoulders from trembling.

Meng Yao's eyes were full of venom. She was waiting to trample Mu Ziying's dignity bit by bit.

But just as Mu Ziying was prepared to take off her inner garments, a shadow suddenly appeared over her head.

A large, thick outer coat was suddenly wrapped around her as a warm palm settled down on her head.

"It's chilly out here. Don't catch a cold."

Mu Ziying's eyes turned red at that familiar voice.

Teacher Ye!

Ye Qingtang wrapped her coat tightly around Mu Ziying and she scanned the crowd with frosty eyes.

This kid had just left her side not long ago, and there were already people bullying her student?

"Who is he?" The crowd was full of queries at the sudden appearance of this unknown youth.

"No idea, never seen him before."