My Student (1)

Meng Yao was stunned. Although Zhang Qiqiu wasn't considered the best, how could he possibly lose to the useless Jing Ze?

Jing Ze had yet to recover his breathing and everyone's gazes were still on them. Everything felt like a dream, it felt extremely surreal.

He had won?

He had defeated Zhang Qiqiu?

"What's going on?" A low voice suddenly came from behind.

The originally noisy crowd suddenly quietened down, and the crowd's gaze riveted over. All they saw was Di Nuo walking over with a few other students. Looking at the chaotic scene, Di Nuo's face darkened.

"Teacher Di!" Meng Yao's eyes lit up the moment she saw Di Nuo. She instantly went in front, putting on an aggrieved expression.

"What happened?" Di Nuo scanned the crowd with furrowed brows. When he spotted Ye Qing amongst the crowd, his expression changed.