Acting Is A Skill (3)

Everyone was shocked by the sudden voice. They instinctively turned toward the source.

Only to see…

A massive black figure had appeared somewhere at the mountain peak. The figure was pitch-black. The surrounding plants were not at all impacted as it passed.

A strange aura spread across the entire mountain.

Seeing the ominous figure, the hairs on Peng Ji stood on end the moment he felt that aura.

No one else at present knew that aura better than him.

This was the aura which he and his Spy Cloud team had encountered not long ago, and he was the only one left alive.

"Night Soul Beast! It's that Night Soul Beast!" Peng Ji cried out in terror.

Everyone's expressions immediately shifted.

"Night Soul Beast? Aren't the Night Soul Beasts in hibernation? Why did one appear here?"

But after that black mass gradually descended the mountain and landed before everyone's eyes, they all instinctively held their breaths.