Escape (1)

Ye Qingtang looked on with cold eyes as the crowd surged into the door. She secretly glanced to the side.

As expected, lured by the prospect of obtaining the legacy, the Rising Dragon Island men left the unconscious Mu Ziying alone outside the door.

None of the major factions would let go of this great chance to obtain the fiendcelestial's will. They would not leave any one of their men outside the door as this would only decrease their chances of winning.


Mu Ziying was already unconscious. Whatever reward the Rising Dragon Island would gain from her kidnapping would not be as valuable as the fiendcelestial's will.

Lei Yan and the others also didn't enter the door. They had come to rescue Mu Ziying and now that everyone had entered the door, they immediately knew this was their chance. But they saw that the black-robed Ye Qingtang was standing outside the door with the Night Soul Beast.