Hidden Danger (2)

Eyes scanning the dark, dim Evil Soul Forest, Ye Qingtang felt somewhat tired. She leaned against the cold wall and shut her eyes.

During this period of time, the various factions would continuously surge toward the fiendcelestial's tomb because of the Temple of Paragon's reward notice.

Ye Qingtang did not plan to get entangled with those factions under such circumstances. So she decided to lay low for a few days and observe the situation first, before entering the fiendcelestial's tomb again.

Just as Ye Qingtang was entering dreamland…

A streak of light secretly flew in from outside the Evil Soul Forest. The light passed through the entire Evil Soul Forest, flying straight toward the fiendcelestial's tomb.

As the door to the fiendcelestial's tomb was opened, the various factions had surged inside the moment they discovered the entrance.