Where Did The Energy Go? (1)

"Boss, how long have we been cultivating?" The group looked at Ye Qing.

They were worried that she would say three to five years…

Ye Qingtang was amused. "Don't worry, not that long. You have been cultivating here for just over a month."

"What? Over a month?" The group was shocked.

Was this a joke?

This was even more unbelievable than if he had told them they had been cultivating for three to five years.

Just over a month and it was enough to make this group of Paragon Ninth Heaven level people surge right up to Divine Lord level?

Was he joking?

"Snap out of it. It's about time to return to the academy," Ye Qing reminded them.

Ye Qingtang was not entirely sure when the Netherworld Academy would select their candidates. It was safer to return earlier.

The teenagers had yet to fully recover from their shock and joy. Still in a daze, they followed Ye Qing out of the secret room and out of the exit.