A Gamble (4)

Di Nuo's expression shifted again. He did not expect Ye Qing to put up such a desperate fight.

But thinking of the bet again, Di Nuo relaxed.

There was no need for him to haggle with such a useless person. Right from the start, Ye Qing was destined to lose this bet.

"Alright, I agree." Di Nuo put on a show of nodding graciously. He added the terms to the contract and both parties gave their thumbprints. They also left their mental imprint on each contract, before keeping their own copies.

"Vice-President and Teacher Luo Sheng are both witnesses to this bet. I will have peace of mind then. Farewell." Di Nuo shot Ye Qing a chilly look before hurrying away.

Yes, he would give him three more days to struggle. After that, when the Inter-Academy Competition selection began, he would have him crawl like a dog out of the Netherworld Academy in front of everyone!

After Di Nuo left, Ye Qingtang also prepared to leave.