Space Technique (1)

Ye Qingtang stared at the dog and was silent for a few seconds before cupping her fists. "Thank you for your time. Goodbye."

"Sigh, where are you going?" The big yellow dog shouted hurriedly when it saw Ye Qingtang turning around to leave.

"From now on, we will part ways. Don't follow me." Ye Qingtang was afraid that the big yellow dog would follow her.

Initially, she thought that she had chanced upon a great savior. Now, it seemed like it was her curse instead. If she stayed with this big yellow dog for a few more days, she would probably be angered to death.

"Look, the palace is out!" Suddenly, the big yellow dog shouted.

Ye Qingtang stopped in her tracks.

If she turned around now and there was no palace, it would be the equivalent of being tricked by the big yellow dog yet again. If that happened, she would probably fight it to the death.