Long Time No See, Blood Moon Elder (2)

Upon hearing that, red-gold flames appeared in Ye Qingtang's eyes and a pair of wings formed on her back. In the blink of an eye, the Yongle Tribe General witnessed Ye Qingtang transforming into an ancient fire phoenix!

"Is… Is your true form? An ancient demonic phoenix?!" The Yongle Tribe General was terrified.

Very quickly, Ye Qingtang returned to her original appearance and shook her head. "This is just a simple divine ability, there's no need to be alarmed. In fact, any demon can learn it and their combat power will increase greatly."

A smile was on her face.

Actually, it was impossible for a special ability like that to be activated unless you had that particular bloodline.

Ye Qingtang was merely giving an example. Even if she really wanted to teach these demons, she would never teach them a bloodline divine ability.