Karmic Divination (3)

The big yellow dog pondered for a long time before saying slowly, "Since the creation of the world, it has been divided into the Upper and Lower Realms. In the Lower Realm, there were once gods and demons. The god race created the primordial human race… Meanwhile in the Upper Realm…"

Just as the big yellow dog finished its sentence and was about to say something more, the void around it started to expand and distort at a visible rate.

In just an instant, the big yellow dog jumped up from its kennel with a grave expression.


The expression on Ye Qingtang's face changed as well. What had happened?

"Little girl, stop asking. There are some things that you can know, and some things that you cannot. If I tell you, I will bring about a calamity that will be enough to destroy all living beings," the big yellow dog said seriously.