The Power Of A God (4)

Was this possible? Could Han Cangming and the Heavenly Emperor's ascend to heaven have something to do with the big yellow dog's upper realm?

A scene appeared in Ye Qingtang's mind.

One day, the Heavenly Emperor had received a stone of opportunity and was able to ascend to heaven, which was the upper realm the big yellow dog was talking about. But this important stone that the Heavenly Emperor required to ascend to heaven was stolen by Han Cangming. From then on, their mutual love for each other turned into murderous intent and the two friends became arch enemies…

Ye Qingtang rested her chin on her hand as many thoughts filled her head. The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

After all, the ones who didn't know about the upper realm were martial arts practitioners like them. Perhaps the Paragon level Immortal Emperors already knew about the existence of the upper realm and even knew how to enter it.