Shocking Change (3)

"Ling Yan?!"

Ye Qingtang asked in surprise as she stared at Han Cangming.

She was all-too-familiar with Ling Yan. His every move, mannerism and tone were almost identical to the Ling Yan whom Ye Qingtang knew. At that moment, Ye Qingtang finally understood that the Karma Bloodline that flew out from her body was indeed Ling Yan's.

Ye Qingtang was surprised. When did Ling Yan enter the Ancient God's Karma Tunnel with her? Furthermore, what was Ling Yan doing now? Was he possessing the body of Demon God Han Cangming?!

Everything had completely surpassed Ye Qingtang's understanding.

There were two questions that Ye Qingtang could not understand.

Firstly, she had no idea how Ling Yan entered the Ancient God Karma Tunnel with her.