I Won't Let It Hurt You (2)

Ling Yan looked at the big yellow dog and said softly, "This demon dog's gaze doesn't seem to be very friendly."

The corners of Ye Qingtang's lips twitched when she heard Ling Yan's words. He had good eyesight… it was the Karma Bloodline clan from the upper realm who sent the dog to the lower realm. Now, Ling Yan was the only one in the lower realm who had the Karma Bloodline. How could the dog be friendly to him?

At that moment, Ye Qingtang could only pray that the dog would continue to eat the burning sun and not come down to cause trouble. Otherwise, she really did not know if she could stop it.

"This demon dog seems to have interacted with Miss Ye." Ling Yan's gaze landed on Ye Qingtang.

"Yes, we did have some interactions in our era." Ye Qingtang nodded. "I met it at the Wailing Well and it told me some information."

"What was that information? Miss Ye, can you tell me?" Ling Yan asked.